A Mixture of Light and Shadow!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Copenhagen in 3 weeks!!!

I’m finally moving to Denmark!!!

It took me a long time to make this decision. It’s probably because this basically is the start of me changing my Colombian passport into a Danish one. I know that in order to do that I must give up my Colombian one. That is a tough decision. It is true that my country is not doing very well, and that Denmark is an excellent country, but I am Colombian, regardless! And if I have Danish blood running through my veins I also have Colombian, and then I don’t understand why cant I have two nationalities?
Anyway that is how it is and I don’t think they are going to change that law because of me, although I think it doesn’t make any sense…

The time that I have been living in Germany couldn’t have been better. I don’t regret a single second or experience that I’ve had here. At the same time, I cant think of tougher moment in my life either, but I guess that’s life. We are learning every day and if I had to go through all these to become a better person in the future, then I’m very glad I did.

I am VERY excited about moving to
Copenhagen. I have been there once and I absolutely loved it. The place is great, the people are not only very nice and more extroverted than the Germans, but amazingly good-looking. Best of all, I’m going to live in the center of the city, which I find great!


Blogger Unknown said...

Siempre seras colombiana, eso no te lo dice un pasaporte.
Nunca olvides los ideales con los que te depedimos cuanto te fuiste. Copenhagen es algo que debes hacer y tu lo sabes.
Te has demostrado a ti misma que te puedes adaptar a diferentes situaciones y esta es una experiencia mas que te vas a gozar al maximo.
Cuentas con toda la gente que siempre esta pendiente de ti, tanto en Alemania como en Colombia. Eres una berraca y pa´lante.
Te quiero Mucho.

8:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pues a pesar de saber que va a estar mas tiempo lejos de su pais y de la falta que me hace, quiero decirle que si Usted cree que lo que le conviene es irse para alla, pues nada, no hay que pensarlo, finalmente es una decision muy personal y es algo que usted siempre ha tenido en mente.
Mucha suerte en todo y a ver si al menos viene de vacaciones ... jaaa!

3:51 PM


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